a warm welcome

to Corabón island

An Internet island destination that suggests actions for islands that want to have life thrive with clean waters

map caribbean
about corabon

When The Going Blue Foundation’s team presented a Caribbean island with a strategy to become “World’s First Blue Island” at an open meeting, it was received with great enthusiasm.

The island’s residents promptly embraced the going blue theme and the marine positive strategies* to diminish and offset the water pollution acquatrails ending up in the very waters which define their island – and which largely feed its inhabitants both literally and economically.

challenges and opportunities

Yet while good work continues there, soon key players and supporters changed positions and in the absence of new funding we were obliged to postpone our visits there to sustain the ‘going blue’ momentum.

As we await new funding to continue this programme, also on other islands, we feel that there is one thing we have to do in the interim: share.

Encouraged by the public’s, the politicians’ and other stakeholders’ positive response to our holistic blue approach, we have nurtured a place Presidents, Governors, Ministers, Parliamentarians and citizens from all islands can visit at no cost.

Several of you will already know much of what we mention on this site. In this case we hope that it may help you explain something that you have been fighting for to others.


Island variations

If the comments seem too general, that is because : 


Of the many people that we hope will visit us here on Corabón, one real island indeed still has the opportunity to become World's first blue island and set the standard for sustainable island life surrounded by clean waters.